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Duffel Bag | Big Nomad

large nomad duffel bag


Product Description

Want to have a simple bag, that will last till your kids have kids, but is big enough for one over packer or two normal packers? This is the one you want. Straight forward but made to work hard. Can take a licking and keep going.

Big Nomad Design

This big boy is built for the serious mover and shaker. Thick oil tanned leather, available in multiple colors, with durable stitching at all the important points. Thick leather strap handles and a big ol heavy zipper. This things will hold a pair of shoes, shaving kit, clothes and some snacks and refreshing drinks. This guy is ready. Tapered design to make it more sturdy when setting on the floor or roof.

Keep it simple and pack light. If you want to pack more, the Big Nomad nests well with the Little Nomad for a travel ensemble.

8" tall x 21" long x 13" thick

This item is available based on custom orders only, which means the photo is an example. YOU get to pick the type, style, and colors of leather. What kind of leather do you like? What colors? Prefer two-tone? Need an extra pocket inside? Email me at or call me at (505) 728-5248 or place your order and I will follow up with you to get details about your leather & design preferences.

If you would like to browse new leather and fiber arts designs/experiments, please check out Kestrel Leather on Instagram.

* Larger custom orders take a little bit longer, so PLEASE give me a head's up early on any orders that need to arrive before Christmas.


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Contact Kestrel Leather to Customize

The Big Nomad is a custom product, with a variety of leather and color combos available. This bag is intended to travel with you for a lifetime. I want it to “fit” each individual.  Type of leather, colors, additional pockets?


Email me at or call me at (505) 728-5248 or place your order and I will follow up with you to get details about your leather & design preferences. Name and address can be stamped into the bag.

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